How to Get on TV – Be Zen! – Video Interview at NBC 11

03.18.08 | Category: Simplicity, Valley Future, Video

NBC 11’s TechNow! Host Scott Budman knows the value of eliminating clutter on & off the air. Want to get on TV? Be Zen! “I’ve gotten to know some of the CEOS, analysts and individuals who are really going to give the good soundbites. I seek those people out who…”

Scott Budman on:

  • Interviewing the Valley’s major players & covering the big tech stories.
  • ValleyZen as the “work-life balance” of successful CEOs and journalists.
  • Transforming a 90 minute tape into a 1 minute story.
  • Inside look at Silicon Valley’s NBC 11 – the first news station to do live on the air “texting” to talent.
  • Shooting a hi-tech blog video interview in a traditional TV studio!

Youtube Video is here or embed is below:

12 Comments so far

  1. shawn smith

    Awesome video. Very interesting and calming :) I wouldn’t really expect something like this from inside a tv station. Hahha, and great comments from Budman who is saying ValleyZen is on the cutting edge, it’s so true! Way to go. Kind of a cool look into TV news that I didn’t have before

  2. Jcyreus

    Zen and the Art of Network New Production, I love it.

    Great work Drue.

  3. A Taylor

    Great interview and video. The video’s you have posted on ValleyZen are very high quality. (Very unlike the typical Blog video shot on a camera phone or camcorder :-)

  4. Mark Evans

    Big media gets a lot of the Zen principles of simplicity, i.e. editing down news stories — but at the same time, the bigger and more bureaucratic the organization becomes, the more they try to cover, the more sensational it is, the less Zen it is.

    I’m struck by how quickly media and news is changing and how aware traditional media seems to be of it and yet so slow to innovate, re-invent, change, etc….

    A deer in the headlights?

    Thank you for another very informative interview.

  5. Jennifer Cardoza


    What a great video. I loved your comment on being “On Air” and off air, as we never truly find ourselves off air. Our self indulgence and obsession with technology keeps us a fingertip away from being connected. I enjoyed the interview and your choice of ambiance music.

    I can’t wait to see your next interview! Well done.

  6. BJ Fogg

    Scott has a video on YouTube that 326,280 people have watched:


  7. B.L Ochman

    Another great interview Drue! You’re so right about always being “on air.”

    Interesting that many MSM print journalists have begun to run their interview note online, but networks don’t seem to be running any b-roll or interview footage.

  8. Weelky Wrap Up of Pop Culture in the Blogosphere | Jcyreus dot Com :: [J-seer-ee-uhs]

    [...] over at ValleyZen shot a kewl video interview about Zen and network TV news production from the NBC studios in Silicon [...]

  9. evolution

    Hi Drue,

    Another great video. I’m especially interested in the balance between old and new media. I don’t think old media will ever replace new media, but rather they complement each other.

    A great message about work-life balance, something we all need to keep in mind but often forget in our day-to-day craziness. At least now we have ValleyZen to bring a sense of calm and reflection into our lives :-)

    Scott Budman raises a great point about bringing together art and technology- I really appreciate ValleyZen’s originality – definitely makes it stand out in the blogosphere!

  10. Darya

    This is great to see that ValleyZen beside the CBS is on TV too! Drue you have an extraordinary powerful and yet innocent, warm and peaceful presence. This is a rare combination of all a human being in Silicon Valley can be I believe. ValleyZen brings human soul among the wheels and steel of technology. Isn’t it the missing piece of the puzzle?

  11. Ken Mask

    Over the top! Super. You’re done an excellent job of blending art with (modern) science. I’ve seen your genius since we me through Wynton and you continue to astound me!
    Keep up the blend and your ‘order of the universe.’
    Ken Mask

  12. Vlasta Diamant

    A model interview: letting the interviewee talk, following closely with smart, concise comments, staying out of the way –
    all things, done here tastefully – your hallmark, Drue. I like
    Scott Budman and listen to his “Tech Now” feature. Having him in ” your corner” and putting you on a ‘blog pedestal’ is a big and a well-deserved kudo!

    Clapping with both hands!


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